Family Feast and Health Expo
On December 20, 2018, families had the opportunity to get free Hep B screening and education from Hep B Free San Francisco/Bay Area, free...
“Be About It” Film Screening
Gilead Science's GFAC (Gilead Filipino American Community) and GAIN (Gilead Asian Interest Network) held a free screening of the "Be...
Lifestream Workshop Center Screening
Sf Hep B Free-Bay Area in partnership with the SF Host Lions at the Lifestream Worship Center offered free flu shots, free blood pressure...
Hep B Testing Day!
May 19th is nationally recognized as Hepatitis Testing Day, with the goal of raising awareness of hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and to...
Hepatits B & Liver Cancer Awareness Events
FREE Lunch and FREE hepatitis B Testing 1 in 12 Asian Pacific Islander adults has chronic hepatitis B 1 in 4 with hepatitis B will...
5th Annual PIT SHINE!
Sharing another super fun community event that Pacific Islands - Pit is throwing and that SF Hep B Free will be educating and screening...
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month!
Did you know the month of May isn't just Asian Heritage Month, but is also Hepatitis Awareness Month?! We'll be hosting various events...
Celebrating with Foster City Parks & Rec!
Great time today at the Foster City Lunar New Year event, hosted by the Foster City Parks and Recs Department and the Bright Horizons...
4th Annual AJ Strong Memorial Run - 6.5k
SF Hep B Free - Bay Area in partnership with Team Cancer Sucks and the Lazarex Cancer Foundation are hosting the 4th Annual AJ Strong...