Hepatitis B ECHO Program
Case-based learning sessions between HBV specialists and primary care providers
3rd Tuesday of every month
12:30-1:30pm PDT/ 3:30-4:30pm EDT/ 9:30-10:30am HST
To register email ECHO@sfhepbfree-bayarea.org
As the COVID pandemic continued, SF Hep B Free sought innovative ways to continue its mission of educating the community and clinicians without being able to provide hepatitis B screening or face-to-face education in the community. From that effort grew SF Hep B Free’s Hepatitis B ECHO. In partnership with Project ECHO, Hep B United, Hepatitis B Foundation and the National Task Force on Hepatitis B, SF Hep B Free successfully launched its first US-based adult hepatitis B ECHO program in October of 2020.
The ECHO model is a nationally recognized physician education model using proven adult learning techniques and interactive video technology, the ECHO Model™ connects groups of primary care providers with specialists in regular real-time collaborative sessions.The sessions, designed around case-based learning and mentorship, help local providers gain the expertise required to provide needed services. Each session includes 1-2 case discussions and a short didactic aimed to empower providers to evaluate, monitor, and treat patients with hepatitis B in the primary care setting.
Join so many others and become a primary care expert on hepatitis B!
A zoom calendar invite will be sent every Monday before the Tuesday session.You can join any session, but we encourage participants to take part in multiple sessions for the best learning results. ECHO’s philosophy of “all teach and all learn” is crucial to the success of this program; therefore, active participation is vital.